Senior Software Engineer
Hi, my name is . . .
Working Experiences
  • Senior Software Engineer

    Data Nest | Nov 2018 - present | HCMC, VN

    • Constructing Web financial products and Internal tools using React, Typescript, TailwindCSS,...
    • Developing backend microservices and API, mainly in Python and Golang, for Big Data and Credit Scoring system.
    • Partipating as core member of company's online Lending platform, built with AWS Serveless + Gatsby, later migrated to NextJS + Golang + PostgresSQL stack.
    • Engaging in system deployment, maintenance, and monitoring, as well as enhancing the CI/CD pipeline using Github Actions, Docker, and other relevant tools.
  • Senior Fullstack Developer

    Anifie | March 2022 - October 2022 | Irvine, CA - Remote

    • Developing frontend part of sites, pages for clients and partners, using various technologies such as NextJS, Vite, Firebase...and integrating with backend serving on AWS Serverless (NodeJS) + DynamoDB + S3
    • Deploy and maintain several products on AWS Serverless architecture, using various tools like CloudFront, CloudWatch,...
    • Brainstorming, researching and developing projects for clients in a wide range domains from blockchain (marketplace, NFT generating,...) to 3D interactives (Unity, Three.JS).
  • Frontend Developer

    Smartkarma | March 2021 - November 2021 | Singapore - Remote

    • Working remotely with Singapore team to develop and maintain SK codebase, written by RoR and EmberJS.
  • Software Engineer

    Orange Logic | Sep 2017 - Nov 2018 | HCMC, VN

    • DAM Project: C#/.NET - MSSQL
    • Directly working with teammates at US-EU and participating in development of a Digital Assets Managements system based on an internal .NET framework, serving largest corps like BoA, Boeing, NatGeo,...
    • Implementing Continuos Integration practice and strictly applying TDD to development process combining with Unit Tests covered.
  • Software Engineer

    VNG Corporation | June 2014 - Sep 2017 | HCMC, VN

    • Zalo Ads Project: AngularJs, Scala.
Skills & Competencies

- Python, Javascript, TypeScript

- MSSQL, MySQL, PostgresSQL

- SCSS/SASS, React.js, Bootstrap/Bulma/TailwindCSS, NextJS

- Docker, CI/CD, AWS

Bachelor of Software Engineering

VNUHCM-UIT | 2009 - 2014 | HCMC, VN


Bookworm, Football-holic, Wanderlust